Insatiable Wiki

"Pig" is the first episode of the second season of the American comedy-drama web television series, Insatiable.


Patty and Bob work frantically to cover up her crimes and are met with a few surprises. The Regionals queen is given her crown.


Patty tells Bob Armstrong that she was handcuffed into the Food Truck by Stella Rose, who wanted to kill her to make Bob a criminal. Patty escaped with a chocolate sausage and accidentally crushed Stella twice with the food truck. Bob asks Patty not to call the police.

When she accompanies him to the place where she killed Stella, they realize that Stella may not be dead after all and is out there somewhere. In the forest, the trunk of Bob's car containing Christian opens and the corpse falls to the ground. Pigs arrive and eat the whole body. Meanwhile, Coralee tries to make love with Bob Barnard, but he refuses on the pretext of being homosexual. Later, he hears Roxy on the phone and discovers that she is using it to help Stella Rose take revenge on Bob Armstrong. It's also revealed Magnolia is missing.

In the regional contest, Roxy discovers that Patty has escaped the Food Truck. Patty realizes Magnolia did not come. During the rehearsal, Bob returns to Roxy's lodge and picks up the phone. He discover that she does not know where Stella Rose is. Roxy is then the winner of this year's beauty concourse. Patty runs to throw up in the bathroom. She confesses to Bob that she has an eating disorder and ate the cakes she filled with soap to show Bob that she doesn't have an eating disorder. Magnolia appears then and Roxy is found dead in her lodge.


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Season one episodes‎ PilotSkinny Is MagicMiss Bareback BuckarooWMBSBikinis and BitchesDunk 'N' DonutMiss Magic JesusWieners and LosersBad KittyBanana Heart BananaWinners Win. Period.Why Bad Things Happen
Season two episodes PigDead GirlBoomerangPoison PattyFinding MagnoliaEat and RunFull BrazilianPretty in PrisonLadybombThe Most You You Can Be