- Alyssa Milano
- Angie Bladell
- Arden Myrin
- Ashley D. Kelley
- Bad Kitty
- Banana Heart Banana
- Beverly D'Angelo
- Bikinis and Bitches
- Bob Armstrong
- Bob Armstrong/Biography
- Bob Barnard
- Boomerang
- Brandylynn Huggens
- Brett Rice
- Brick Armstrong
- Carly Hughes
- Catherine Armstrong
- Chloe Bridges
- Christian Keene
- Christopher Gorham
- Coralee Armstrong
- Dallas Roberts
- Daniel Kang
- Dead Girl
- Debby Ryan
- Dee Marshall
- Dixie Sinclair
- Donald Choi
- Dr. Duffy
- Dunk 'N' Donut
- Eat and Run
- Edith Bladell
- Erinn Westbrook
- Etta Mae Barnard
- Finding Magnolia
- Full Brazilian
- Gayle Keene
- Gordy Greer
- Hank Thompson
- Heather Kristina Pamela Kendall Jackson Johnson
- Henry Lee
- Herman Choi
- Insatiable
- Insatiable Wiki
- Irene Choi
- Jade
- James Lastovic
- John
- Kimmy Shields
- Kitty Bladell
- Ladybomb
- Lauren Gussis
- List of minor characters
- Magnolia Barnard
- Michael Provost
- Mike Keene
- Miss Bareback Buckaroo
- Miss Magic Jesus
- Mrs. Graham
- Nonnie Thompson
- Patty Bladell
- Pig
- Pilot
- Poison Patty
- Pretty in Prison
- Regina Sinclair
- Robert Armstrong
- Roxy Graham
- Rudy Cruz
- Sarah Colonna
- Season 1
- Season 1/Cast
- Season 2
- Season 2/Cast
- Skinny Is Magic
- Stella Rose Buckley
- The Most You You Can Be
- Why Bad Things Happen
- Wiener Taco
- Wieners and Losers
- Winners Win. Period.