Insatiable Wiki

I help ladies become their best selves. I have an insatiable need to win.
— Bob Armstrong.

Robert "Bob" Armstrong, Jr. is a main character on Insatiable. He is played by Dallas Roberts.



Armstrong Family

Left to right: Brick Armstrong, Bob, Coralee and Cat Armstrong.

He is introduced by Patty Bladell who says that Bob was her destiny. Bob talks about his family and work. He is a pageant coach, and his model is Dixie Sinclair, which her mom is Regina Sinclair. Then Bob introduces his "nemesis", Bob Barnard and Barnard's daughter, Magnolia, who is also a model.

In the competition, where Dixie and Magnolia both tied, and Magnolia wins after Dixie fails a political question about ISIS. Regina blames Bob for "trying to dim her light." For revenge, Regina goes on stage and demands a rematch because Dixie "was disturbed by because of Bob", she adds that Bob "touched her hoohoo" spitefully lying about him supposedly molesting Dixie.

Three months later, Armstrong walks to his work and people watch him badly, because Regina ruined his reputation. He tells that since Regina accused Bob falsely, he still couldn't get a single coaching gig, or a legal case. Then, he talks with his dad Robert Armstrong who said he had so much potential but ruined it by "trying to play princess". However, he wouldn't be fired, since Robert had a case for him defending Patty Bladell, who punched a homeless guy in the face. Bob ended up in jail because Regina framed him as the Pageant Killer.


Bob suffered from poor mental health; due to many circumstances; including his family breaking away, the suicide of his mother or his endless denial of his sexuality. He often attempted suicide in the series; but lately, he found his happiness; with Angela Bladell and gave her the gun he tried to commit suicide; with, as an symbolic message to mark that; he no longer plans on doing so. Bob also mentioned that; he lost everything; but he still has Patty Bladell left.

Season 1 (12/12 episodes)

Season 2 (10/10 episodes)


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Main Bob ArmstrongPatty BladellBob BarnardAngie BladellMagnolia BarnardNonnie ThompsonBrick ArmstrongDixie SinclairCoralee ArmstrongRegina Sinclair
Recurring Donald ChoiSheriff Hank ThompsonChristian KeeneHeather Kristina Pamela Kendall Jackson JohnsonGail KeenePastor Mike KeeneDee MarshallHenry LeeDetective Rudy CruzEtta Mae BarnardRobert Armstrong, Sr.Roxy BuckleyStella Rose BuckleyHomeless Guy