Insatiable Wiki

Angela "Angie" Bladell is a main character on Insatiable. She is played by Sarah Colonna.


Angie Bladell is the mother to Patty Bladell. When she was 16, she had Patty, but she wasn't a good mother as she neglected Patty during her childhood and became a hardcore alcoholic. After Patty lost weight, Angie decided to change her ways and become sober. She attempted to try to be a good mother to Patty by being supportive during the series, however she left Patty during her Birthday Roast (1.10 - "Banana Heart Banana") and drove off with her mother's ex-boyfriend's car to get out of the country.

She returns in the fourth episode of season two (2.04 - "Poison Patty"). She is next seen in the seventh episode of season 2 (2.07 - "Full Brazilian") while two guys show up to her door and attack her and waste no time strapping her to a chair and is getting her plastic surgery removed.


  1. Unnamed drug dealer (by proxy): Told her daughter, Patty Bladell, to shoot him, so she shot him in the head causing his death


Season 1 (7/12 episodes)

Season 2 (7/10 episodes)


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Main Bob ArmstrongPatty BladellBob BarnardAngie BladellMagnolia BarnardNonnie ThompsonBrick ArmstrongDixie SinclairCoralee ArmstrongRegina Sinclair
Recurring Donald ChoiSheriff Hank ThompsonChristian KeeneHeather Kristina Pamela Kendall Jackson JohnsonGail KeenePastor Mike KeeneDee MarshallHenry LeeDetective Rudy CruzEtta Mae BarnardRobert Armstrong, Sr.Roxy BuckleyStella Rose BuckleyHomeless Guy