Angela "Angie" Bladell is a main character on Insatiable. She is played by Sarah Colonna.
Angie Bladell is the mother to Patty Bladell. When she was 16, she had Patty, but she wasn't a good mother as she neglected Patty during her childhood and became a hardcore alcoholic. After Patty lost weight, Angie decided to change her ways and become sober. She attempted to try to be a good mother to Patty by being supportive during the series, however she left Patty during her Birthday Roast (1.10 - "Banana Heart Banana") and drove off with her mother's ex-boyfriend's car to get out of the country.
She returns in the fourth episode of season two (2.04 - "Poison Patty"). She is next seen in the seventh episode of season 2 (2.07 - "Full Brazilian") while two guys show up to her door and attack her and waste no time strapping her to a chair and is getting her plastic surgery removed.
- Unnamed drug dealer (by proxy): Told her daughter, Patty Bladell, to shoot him, so she shot him in the head causing his death
Season 1 (7/12 episodes)
- 1.01 - "Pilot"
- 1.04 - "WMBS"
- 1.06 - "Dunk 'N' Donut"
- 1.07 - "Miss Magic Jesus"
- 1.08 - "Wieners and Losers"
- 1.09 - "Bad Kitty"
- 1.10 - "Banana Heart Banana"
Season 2 (7/10 episodes)
- 2.04 - "Poison Patty"
- 2.05 - "Finding Magnolia"
- 2.06 - "Eat and Run"
- 2.07 - "Full Brazilian"
- 2.08 - "Pretty in Prison"
- 2.09 - "Ladybomb"
- 2.10 - "The Most You You Can Be"